Company Registration
We Provide Company Registration Services In Hyderabad
Private Limited Company Registration Rs 16500 Only
This Quote is all Inclusive upto company incorporation and Providing Tax ID of the Company (PAN)
For incorporation of the company the following documents will be required.
The breakup of the same is as follows
Digital sign 1000
name 1000
Government Fee 4100
filing fee 850
stamping 1700
Misc 1850
Consultancy 5500
Total 16500
Private Limited Company Registration Rs 16500 Only
This Quote is all Inclusive upto company incorporation and Providing Tax ID of the Company (PAN)
For incorporation of the company the following documents will be required.
- Four Photos of the each director ( minimum 2 directors required)
- Passport Xerox of both the directors
- Pan card of both the directors
- Five alternate names of the company in order of preference.
The breakup of the same is as follows
Digital sign 1000
name 1000
Government Fee 4100
filing fee 850
stamping 1700
Misc 1850
Consultancy 5500
Total 16500